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Titel: segmentation fault & seek errors  BeitragVerfasst am: 06.06.2006, 02:46 Uhr

Anmeldung: 20. Nov 2004
Beiträge: 62

I have used Knoppix based systems for several years, switching to Kanotix with version bh9a. My present system is an upgraded bh9 install. I have not been able to install flightgear on any of theses systems, it always gave a segmentation error. And, ever since I installed my Benq DVD burner, it had been prone to 'seek errors'. A DVD which will read perfectly well in windows (dual boot with WinME) will give seek errors in Linux.
I always thought these were just Linux problems but recently I did a Debian Sarge netinstall (wanted a system to experiment with) and guess what?...Installed flightgear with no segmentation fault error and DVD's which gave seek errors on the Kanotix system read perfectly on the Sarge system (now upgraded to unstable).
So, it appears that these two problems are Knoppix/Kanotix issues, not 'Linux' issues.

Where could these problems be coming from? My guess is somewhere in the startup/setup scripts maybe? How can I track this down?
How can I change my Kanotix based Debian system to be closer to pure Debian?

Possibly I will end up just installing Debian but I'd rather fix the Kanotix system if it is practical, installing a total new system is a lot of setup.
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Titel: RE: segmentation fault & seek errors  BeitragVerfasst am: 06.06.2006, 04:02 Uhr

Anmeldung: 21. Jan 2005
Beiträge: 454
Wohnort: NYC/NJ Area
I dont know what flightgear is but what Benq drive are you useing?
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Titel: RE: segmentation fault & seek errors  BeitragVerfasst am: 06.06.2006, 05:14 Uhr

Anmeldung: 12. Mar 2005
Beiträge: 1005

I think bug hunter is too old to currently to be fully upgradeable, not positive, but I think it is.

Try the latest one, easter, and see if you have the same problems. Since most of the kanotix stuff is pure sid, it's unlikely, but of course not impossible, that the version you are using just is too old.

Or it's a kernel issue, something like that.

Read more on dist-upgrades using du-fixes-h2.sh script.
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 06.06.2006, 05:39 Uhr

Anmeldung: 20. Nov 2004
Beiträge: 62

not sure what model the DVD drive is...it's about 1 1/2 years old. Point is that it works OK in Windows & in Debian Sarge but not on Kanotix system.

Flightgear is a flight simulator game, needs a decent graphics system. Since I have only the on-board video card & no video card slot available for an upgrade, I just assumed I didn't have enough video capability. But then it installed & started on the Sarge system without giving a segmentation fault.....it didn't actually run, there is some other error I haven't had time to track down yet but no seg fault.

Bh9 *should* be fully upgradeable...at least it was claimed to be when I installed it & when I do an apt-get ungrade it appears to upgrade with no problems.

It might be a kernal issue (kernal has been upgraded to 2.6-13) or maybe it has to do with the hardware identification system Knoppix/Kanotix uses...which, if I recall correctly, was adapted from RPM's for Mandrake when Knoppix was originally created. It is capable of auto-identifying a LOT of hardware (a key element in a run from CD system) but maybe it doesn't do a real good job of some setups. I don't need it anymore, I'm installed to HD but I don't have a clue how to remove/replace it if it is the problem.

I don't want to install a newer Kanotix, I am trying to avoid installing an all new system. If I have to do a reinstall I will go to Debian netinstall since it doesn't seem to have these bugs.
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 06.06.2006, 05:58 Uhr

Anmeldung: 12. Mar 2005
Beiträge: 1005

I believe, but don't quote me on this, that the first kanotix you can safely upgrade all parts of is 2005-4, that's the one I use, and it's all fully up to date.

kanotix 2005-3 isn't like that, for example, I tried upgrading my 64 bit install and it failed, then I reinstalled 2005-4 64 bit and upgraded it, kernel, everything, and it works fine. [with all the required fixes, of course, and updating the kernel first, before the dist-upgrade itself.

I'm also trying to avoid installing a newer system, but that's why I waited for 2005-4, I guess some core stuff or other changed, now it's more upgradeable long term, I hope anyway.

If I remember right, I think kano said that he dumped the redhat hardware recognition stuff and rewrote it himself.

If you've dist-upgraded bug hunter, it might be a kernel issue, or it might not, I can't say, but you might think of upgrading the kernel too if that is supported, but you should ask someone on irc first I think to make sure that old of an install can currently be upgraded, kano told me 2005-3 64 couldn't be, and he was right. Almost worked, but not quite.

Read more on dist-upgrades using du-fixes-h2.sh script.
New: rdiff-backup script
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 06.06.2006, 08:56 Uhr

Anmeldung: 16. Aug 2004
Beiträge: 1905

Everything is possible, but the older your version gets (without constantly upgrading), the more problems will accumulate. And yes, we put really a lot of efforts into 2005-01 and 2005-04 to make (dist-) upgrades as smooth as we can, stuff that isn't easy to do at home.

- If you install today, pick the latest RC and most problems won't appear at all.
- If you're below 2005-04 and run into problems you can't really solve, doing an update install with the latest RC is strongly recommended; our motivation to walk others through tings we already fixed over and over again doesn't range very high (especially long time after the problems appeared).
- If you're on 2005-04 and run into upgrade problems with X.org, either consider doing an update install with the latest RC or at least read the threads where we described in detail what needs to be done for updating (these were generic debian upgrade issues concerning changed font paths in conffiles and the like).
- Yes, 2005-04+ has been improved massively to act just like an ordinary debian sid once it is installed, so all potential problems you will encounter are exactly the same you would encounter with plain debian (or perhaps even less, because we're trying to smooth those issues as well).

Feel free to ask about your upgrade problems, but BH9 was released ages ago and Debian as well as Kanotix moved a lot since then, so don't expect too much.
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