
General Support - CD-Link for extra tools

schnorrer - 18.06.2006, 10:18 Uhr
Titel: CD-Link for extra tools
Thanks piper,

That kind of cd was may long awaited Util-Cd I need for special.
devil - 18.06.2006, 10:39 Uhr
Titel: RE: CD-Link for extra tools
hehe, kannst das mal für denglish-unkundige übersetzen bitte Winken

piper - 18.06.2006, 23:46 Uhr
Titel: RE: CD-Link for extra tools

Your welcome, has been a lifesaver for me fixing computers over the years

I do understand german very well, I just can't "speak" it (yet) Smilie
schnorrer - 19.06.2006, 13:31 Uhr
Titel: RE: CD-Link for extra tools
The same I did for over 30 years, where computers works with papertapes and lots of transistors and relais.
Macht nichts. Have you ever been in stuttgart or around in the past 15 years?
slam - 19.06.2006, 13:48 Uhr
Titel: RE: CD-Link for extra tools
Well, the link was promising - but no cd to download there .....
piper - 19.06.2006, 15:27 Uhr
Titel: RE: CD-Link for extra tools
Verlegen Sorry slam Verlegen

Hiren's BootCD 8.1 ISO Incl Keyboard Patch
schnorrer - 19.06.2006, 19:35 Uhr
Titel: RE: CD-Link for extra tools
@slam: Ich hab die CD. Sehr empfehlenswert.
@piper it was a bit tricky to get the last 500kb.
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