
Forum Suggestions - Please put a quick link to donate $$$....

ricardomardi - 16.12.2006, 05:53 Uhr
Titel: Please put a quick link to donate $$$....
...to the project on your home page.

The other day I wanted to make a donation $$$ to Kanotix but (sorry if I missed it) but I could not find it in straight away, then the phone rang & I forgot to do it till now.

Now I'm asking you to please make it a bit easier so that if someone gets the urge to donate $$$ to you, please make it easy to find the link before the moment passes or someone interupts while I'm busy looking for the link.

If it was there & I am blind for missing it then this should also be changed so that it stands out easier. How many times has this happened to other people who had a moment of generosity?

It should be the easiest thing to do, shouldn't it?

I want kanotix & the great work of Kano & team to be rewarded & helped to keep the best Linux distro going! I'm extremely grateful for your sacrifice & fantastic work, please keep it going!

When I see a quick link to donate on the home page, I will do so straight away~!

Thank you for your great work!!!!

gs - 16.12.2006, 07:03 Uhr
Titel: Please put a quick link to donate $$$....


the "donate"-button has been removed by the webmaster a few days prior to the above announcement

there is more info (and speculation) in the German forum........
devil - 16.12.2006, 07:04 Uhr
Titel: Please put a quick link to donate $$$....
hi ricardo,
at the moment kano does not accept donations.
kanotix is moving to a new direction and choosing a new base for that.
that will either be stable or (k)ubuntu.
please read kanos statement here: http://www.kanotix.com/Article210.html

liaminkassel - 05.01.2012, 00:40 Uhr
Titel: RE: Please put a quick link to donate $$$....
devil hat folgendes geschrieben::
hi ricardo,
at the moment kano does not accept donations.
kanotix is moving to a new direction and choosing a new base for that.
that will either be stable or (k)ubuntu.
please read kanos statement here: http://www.kanotix.com/Article210.html


please read kanos statement here: http://www.kanotix.com/Article210.html

I tried that only to get a message saying "you are not authorized to read that"! Komische, na. Liaminkassel
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