11.05.2024, 04:14 UhrDeutsch | English
Hallo Gast [ Registrierung | Anmelden ]

Installation of VMWare

Halfway through the installation you always need to apply the current vmware-any-any patch.

you can find this patch here: http://ftp.cvut.cz/vmware/
the current patch for kernel (April 20th 2006) is as at 25/09/2006:

untar the tar-file and run the ./runme.pl script as root.

now the installation of VMWare should not cause any problems!


From the Desk of h2

I needed this to get the correct any-any-update extra kernel stuff for making the module:

Read more on any-any in the vmware forums: http://www.vmware.com/community/thread.jspa?messageID=76957&tstart=0

More in this thread, including a warning about intel processors:

More on any-any on kernel trap, including advice on compiling to 2. 6 kernel with that, also stuff on nvidia.
http://kerneltrap.org/node/1804 kernel trap

I'm not sure what that does, but it made the install work.

That's using standard vmware player tar-gzip file: http://www.vmware.com/download/player/

To install vmware player:

1. Unzip vmware package
2. change directory to that package directory in console
3. Run the vmware installer script
4. When the script asks if you want to run vmware-config.pl say no.
5. run the anypatch script
6. at the end of the anypatch script, you will be asked if you want to run vmware-config.pl. Say yes.
7. If all goes well, vmware will now install[/list]

Gotchas: if your kernel header and kernel stuff is compiled with a later gcc than you have installed in your system, vmware install will fail.
So install a recent but ideally not the very latest kernel, dist-upgrade your system to get a corresponding gcc, and you should be good to go.

The question where you give **no** is: 
do you want to run vmware-config.pl, say **no**, 
install any any patch and you will be prompted to go on 
with install of vmware

Before running it, do this fix:
There may be an issue for some users, especially debian users, with recent updates. Those are fixed by first running this, assuming a fully dist-upgraded system:

open /usr/lib/vmware/lib/wrapper-gtk24.sh as root. 
search for the lines
[code]vm_run() {
    local exitCode

Add this after:
# Fix for vmplayer pulling in libdbus-1.so.2 instead of .3
   export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libdbus-1.so.3:$LD_PRELOAD

Now your new /usr/lib/vmware/lib/wrapper-gtk24?.sh looks like this:

# Run "$binary" while watching its progress on its stderr.
vm_run() {
   local exitCode

# Fix for vmplayer pulling in libdbus-1.so.2 instead of .3
   export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libdbus-1.so.3:$LD_PRELOAD
   # Append any libraries that are still missing.
   if [ "$VMWARE_USE_SHIPPED_GTK" = 'force' ]; then

http://kanotix.com/PNphpBB2-viewtopic-t-20782-highlight-vmware.html]roughnecks on kanotix.com

That works perfectly, and without that fix vmware will install but won't start.

Create vmdk file with Qemu
used this method to make the vmdk file with qemu: http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=06/05/16/1940214

To create a disk image, run:
qemu-img create -f vmdk imagename.vmdk nG

Where n is the size of the disk image you want to create. Note that the size of the disk image is the size it can eventually grow to -- not the size it will be when it's first created. So, if you create a 20G image, it will only occupy about 3MB on disk without any data.

Create vmx files
I used this file to trigger it, paste and save to some file called say linux1?.vmx
this is the file that vmware player will use to launch the install of whatever you want installed.:

config.version = "8"
virtualHW.version = "3"
ide0:0.present = "TRUE"
ide0:0.filename = "/path/to/qemu-generated/os/linux.vmdk"
memsize = "256"
MemAllowAutoScaleDown = "FALSE"
ide1:0.present = "TRUE"
ide1:0.fileName = "auto detect"
ide1:0.deviceType = "cdrom-raw"
ide1:0.autodetect = "TRUE"
floppy0.present = "FALSE"
ethernet0.present = "TRUE"
usb.present = "TRUE"
sound.present = "TRUE"
sound.virtualDev = "es1371"
displayName = "win2k Pro"
guestOS = "win2000pro"
nvram = "win2000Pro.nvram"
MemTrimRate = "-1"
ide0:0.redo = ""
ethernet0.addressType = "generated"
uuid.location = "56 4d 06 54 69 87 3d ea-48 d2 10 4c c9 ec 16 b1"
uuid.bios = "56 4d 06 54 69 87 3d ea-48 d2 10 4c c9 ec 16 b1"
ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00:0c:29:ec:16:b1"
ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = "0"
tools.syncTime = "TRUE"
ide1:0.startConnected = "TRUE"
uuid.action = "create"
checkpoint.vmState = ""
usb.autoConnect.device0 = ""
usb.autoConnect.device1 = ""
usb.autoConnect.device2 = ""
ethernet0.connectionType = "hostonly"

To have the system boot from an iso, To do this replace:

ide1:0.fileName = "auto detect"
ide1:0.deviceType = "cdrom-raw"
ide1:0.fileName = "C:\targetcd.iso"
ide1:0.deviceType = "cdrom-image"
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